The Sound of Black Sisterhood

Allyssa Thornton

Black women are the backbone of America because Black women fight not only for themselves, but also for others. In modern times, Black women have continually fought to have a voice in feminism, but white women have taken over the movement and turned it in to their own. Which is why many Black women have turned to womanism which is inclusive of all races and different types of women. Black women have also founded #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and #SayHerName.  Women like Marian Anderson and Florence B. Price have encouraged Black women to continue to fight for our own rights in modern day America.

Anderson singing Prices song “My Soul Is Anchored in the Lord” at the Lincoln memorial after refusing to sing it at a segregated concert hall was a move towards rights for Black women. I enjoyed the part that tied the song to Harriet Tubman’s quote “Oh, dear Lord, I ain’t got no friend but you,” because this really shows the connection that Black women have throughout history. Anderson performed the song in finger waves and a fur coat and finger waves are a signature Black hairstyle and only white women would wear fur coats. Her performance was a symbol of the power that Black women possess and an expression of black nationalism.

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