The Jazz Effect: 30s and 40s

Sonah Bundu
MWF - 1:00-1:50pm
Jazz 30s and 40s Post

In the mid 1930s, 1935 to be exact, this was he year that marked the beginning of the “Swing Era.”

The 1930s produced more standards, and jazz standards, than any other decade of the twentieth century. Harlem became the center of new music creation. soon after Harlem Swing became the style of dancing that people danced to Jazz music. Some popular musicians and composer of this time consisted of Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Duke Ellington, and Count Bassie. Towards the late 30s and early 40s was during the time of the Great Depression and Jazz music was definitely affected by this. Music Industries took a huge fall. Bandleaders, whose orchestras were filled with great jazz musicians such as Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, etc. These musicians were able to popularize the spread of jazz with their music discography.

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