Gospel music is unique amongst white and black cultures. Of course, we are here to discuss the Black Gospel. Black spirituals, ragtime, blues, jazz , and slave songs all had a hand in the birth of Gospel music. However, overtime, Gospel music evolved and changed as new musical genres were living. The hymnals can be seen as the root of Gospel music as it was A Collection of Spiritual Songs and Hymns Selected From Various Authors.
#Elements #Characteristics
#Elements #Characteristics
#Elements #Characteristics
- Four distinct styles of gospel music:
- Traditional Gospel
- Contemporary Gospel
- Praise and Worship
- Quartet Style
- Church choir
- Call and-Response- Often featuring female vocal range in call-and-response counterpoint with the preacher’s sermon.
- Emotion
- Energetic/Expressive delivery
- Improvised recitative passages
- Melismatic singingrr
@Kirk Franklin



Pentecostal Churches – As gospel music emerged, there appeared to be a rise of Pentecostal churches at the end of the 19th century.
Pentecostal shouting
Recordings of Pentecostal preachers’ sermons
The “voice” of black gospel preacher’s
Various genres that have used gospel –