The Blues Behind The Blues

By Nelly Ruach

Quick Run Down

The Blues, like many of the genres we have learned about in this class, have followed the pattern of music that stems from Negro spirituals. With many adaptations and subcategories that can stem from this style of music, it is important to note that its origins stem from the Deep South in the 1860s. It is heavily categorized by its use of instruments, bass line, and the lyrics of those telling their story through song. 

Three Main Categories

Muddy Watters (1913-1983)

Most influencial chicago blues musician

Robert Johnson (1911-1938) 

Most influential delta blues musician.

Chicago Blues

Field Hollers and Work Songs

Delta Blues

This style of blues was heavily used from the 1940-1970 when African Americans began their migration from the south tot he north to live a better life. Metaphors and symbols was heavily used during this time period.

The Blues, like many of the genres we have learned about in this class, have followed the pattern of music that stems from Negro spirituals. With many adaptations and subcategories that can stem from this style of music, it is important to note that its origins stem from the Deep South in the 1860s. It is heavily categorized by its use of instruments, bass line, and the lyrics of those telling their story through song. 

This style was heavily known as the Mississippi Delta Blues as this is where it heavily rained in. This style focused more on the guitar and piano for its form on instrumental use with the call and response vocals coming between a piano cord. 

Controversy Through Commodification

While we all know that music is ever expanding and evolving, many people found an issue with how they viewed the transition of blues into where it is viewed now. With this genera stemming directly from its slave roots, many felt as though it was disrespectful when it blossomed into rock and roll as they hold many of the same principles and tempos. 

Females In Blues

With this genera starting in the fields, both males and females were able to shine through this music period. Contrary to some other musical periods that only allowed for male domination, there were quite a few women who were well respected; this included Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Sippie Wallace, and Bessie Smith just to name a few. 

Todays Influence

The blues had a huge impact on the music industry and still continues to do so today. While it is still regarded as old school music, the flow and lyricism in this style is still portrayed though almost every music genera that exists today. Whether you listen to hip hop or jazz or r&b, it would be impossible to hear the simplicity that is the blues shinning through. 

Works Cited


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