Taylor Simpson: IME

Introduction: Hi! My name is Taylor Simpson and I am from Washington, DC, but I was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  My major is currently Econ, but I am hoping to switch to International Studies and minor in Spanish.  I plan to travel throughout my career, specifically to Spanish speaking countries.  I love learning about other cultures and traditions. Mindset: I enjoy classes with a variety of topics like we are covering in this class.  I look forward to gaining a deeper knowledge and expanding my palette of African American Music.  Music helps me with any emotion I feel, regardless of good or bad.  I listen to a wide variety of music but often come back to R&B the most.  I am also hoping to be able to fully explain the concepts and history we learn in the class to others who may not have the information we will learn, because enjoying music is great, but understanding it is even better. Experience: I have some experience in music, but mostly in my younger years.  At some point in my childhood, I played the flute, guitar, and piano.  I never sang, but I did have a class concerning Mac computers and Music– we did some fun garage band projects.  My family and I always listen to church music on Sunday mornings, since we don’t have time to actually go to church.  My mom and dad have influenced by music taste by playing music from their generation as they raised my sister and me.

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