

Ragtime is a secular genre of music that came about between 1896 and 1920 but reached its prime in the 1920s. The name ragtime comes from the ragged off-beat style played on the piano. Even though it’s normally played using the piano, this genre can also be accompanied by song, dance, and, most notably, the syncopated rhythms. Jubilee quartets and ragtime often get confused because of the way syncopation is used. After the civil war, people of color would meet in different paint bars and clubs to show off this form of expression. The liking of ragtime grew larger and larger. When you would see ragtime music displayed, they were featured in coon sounds and cakewalks. Coon songs presented a stereotype of black people, and cakewalks were when black people would present stereotypes of upper-class white people. The most famous ragtime composer was Scott Joplin. Joseph Lamb, James Scott, and Joplin are considered the three most sophisticated ragtime composers. Other ragtime composers include May Aufderheide, Mike Bernard, Eubie Blake, John William “Blind” Boone, George Botsford, Zez Confrey, and James Reese Europe.

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