Last Words…

Dr. Johnson, thank you for a great semester! Coming into this class, I only had my musical knowledge of having played an instrument and singing in an A Capella group in high school. I gained a mountain of knowledge on the countless categories of music influenced by African American culture and history.

There is so much value in having a class specifically for learning about these things that are failed to be taught to us before college, and something so special about being at an HBCU where these classes can be taught and the information can be dissected and absorbed by students such as myself. I appreciate the in depth looks at each genre, to figure out what exactly influenced the way music in that genre is structured, be they cultural, or historical, or both.

I feel the content of this class is an overlooked, but necessary part of African American history, as music is a huge part of our culture, and would absolutely recommend that other students, at Spelman and other institutions, take this class to broaden their knowledge on African American Music and all of its influences and attributes. Thanks again!

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