Give Me Some Gospel

Give Me Some Gospel

The genre of Gospel emerged in 1946 from African Americans who desired a new form of music to express their common religious beliefs. Gospel was then used to mentally escape and let go of all burdens by letting their Lord take over through their lyrics.

In Gospel, musicians use bass guitar, drums, pianos, and other instruments. Some of these musicians performed in choirs-groups of musicians.

Gospel added adlibs and shouts hence-ring and shout.

To the left: Thomas Dorsey, “Take My Hand, Precious Lord”

To the right: Sallie Martin, “Amazing Grace” 

A List of Famous (Most Memorable Gospel Artist)

Sallie Martin

Mahalia Jackson

Sarah Von- Famous bon Lena Horn EllaFitzgerald Billy 

Thomas Dorsey- THE Father of Gospel

Blind Willie Johnson

Golden Gate Quartet

Albertina Walker

Rosetta Tharton

The Father of Gospel

Sallie Martin

Gospel Terms

  • Store Front Church
  • Folk Spiritual
  • Great Migration
  • Shout


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