Concert Reflection

"Opera...from a Sistah's Point of View By Angela Brown"
Concert Reflection

Angela Brown

On October 13th, I went to see the magnificent soprano opera singer, Angela Brown. This was my first opera concert but this definitely will not be the last. I was really impressed by how she inclined her voice, but also how she was able to project her voice loudly as well. She was amazing. Not only did she have a great voice but she was dramatic as well. Each aria, which is the term used for the song sung by that person, was from a specific play, and each time she sang a different one, her actions were parallel with what the song was referencing. Brown performed about six or seven of these short pieces with a pianist playing the melodies. 



Overall, I really enjoyed this concert and it will not be my last time attending a opera concert. I am really appreciate the fact that I expanded my horizons by attending this concerts. I mainly listen to hip-hop, R&B, and rap music but after this concert I found myself looking for other black opera singers. Opera music is a genre that many African Americans do not acknowledege, but after attending this concert I can truly say that I like and enjoy opera music. 

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