A Love Supreme

A love supreme is a concept album created by John Coltrane with the assistance of McCoy Tyner on piano, Jimmy Garrison on double bass, and Elvin Jones on drums, they were known as the “Classic Quartet.” The album was recorded in a single session on December 9, 1964, and released in February 1965.

  • Part I: “Acknowledgement” is a joyful and exuberant piece that introduces the central musical motif and Coltrane’s chanting of the words “A Love Supreme.”
  • Part II: “Resolution” is a more structured and harmonically dense section featuring Coltrane’s powerful and virtuosic saxophone playing.
  • Part III: “Pursuance” is a lively and dynamic section with impressive solos from all members of the quartet.
  • Part IV: “Psalm” is a contemplative and prayer-like movement where Coltrane’s saxophone becomes more introspective and meditative

Coltrane always manages to incorporate true meanings that are important to him that go on in the world and how he feels internally. A Love Supreme starts off very soft and you can hear the saxophone clearly throughout the beginning. John Coltrane incorporates saxophone solos that allow the listeners to experience his spirituality in his music. The melodies set the tone for the song. When they come together and blend is creates a soulful message to the audience. He decreases the volume off of all the instruments to highlight the words, “a love supreme.” It places focus on his true spiritual mind and how intertwines in into this song. The intense rhythm and harmonies allows you to move with the music the way they speed up the music and slow it down. When all the harmonies come into play you’re able to piece together the importance of each instrument and how they all contribute to one sound. “A Love Supreme” was s commercial success, making it one of the best-selling jazz albums of all time. In my opinion the song is well thought out because John Coltrane adds so many dynamics like pauses, words, solos, harmonies, and passion to express the bigger picture of his spirituality.

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