Folk Post


Folk music is a traditional, mostly rural kind of music that was first transmitted through


families and other small social groups. Folk music is often passed down orally; rather


than being read, it is acquired by hearing. t is an oral traditional art form since most


people learn it through hearing rather than by reading. African American folk music is


frequently linked to other pursuits including employment, dance, and griots’ (West African


poets’) storytelling.  African American folk music is frequently linked to other pursuits


including employment, dance, and griots’ (West African poets’) storytelling. Themes of


opposition, empowerment, and tenacity, frequently connected to human rights, define AA



Folk music frequently has straightforward melodies and lyrics that express stories, ideas, or emotions that are representative of the experiences, beliefs, and values of the people who


composed and played the music. It frequently makes use of acoustic instruments like the guitar, banjo, violin, and mandolin, but it can also include other instruments and even borrow


from contemporary music.

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