Folk Music in America

What is Folk Music

Folk music is a type of music brought to America by enslaved Africans during the 18th century. Folk music often helped newly enslaved Africans to hold on to some of their old memories and create new connections with people from other parts of Africa. Folk music was a unique way at the time for enslaved African Americans to create community and record their lives. 

Features of the Music

Call and response


Call and response was a key feature of folk music. In call-and-response pieces, one party in the song will say something that then warrants a response from the rest of the group. This can sometimes be a simple repetition of what the caller said or it can be a new statement that relates. This is often a mimic of the call-and-response used in church processionals. 

Storytelling was also a large part of folk music. As I mentioned earlier, much of folk music was used to remember the lives of those recently enslaved Africans after being taken. Folk music allowed them to both record and share these stories to try and hold onto their culture.

Instruments of Folk



Rythm Bones

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Call and response was a key feature of folk music. In call-and-response pieces, one party in the song will say something that then warrants a response from the rest of the group. This can sometimes be a simple repetition of what the caller said or it can be a new statement that relates. This is often a mimic of the call-and-response used in church processionals. 

Storytelling was also a large part of folk music. As I mentioned earlier, much of folk music was used to remember the lives of those recently enslaved Africans after being taken. Folk music allowed them to both record and share these stories to try and hold onto their culture.

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