Title: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary Whitney Houston
- I. Introduction:
- A. Thesis Statement: Through delving into the life of Whitney Houston, her imprint on the music world, rise to fame, and legacy is assessed.
- II. First main point: Childhood .
- Subpoint
- 1. Family Life
- 2. Musical Background
- Subpoint
- III. Second Main Point: Rise to Fame .
- First subpoint: Career as a superstar
- 1. Musical Background (technical aspect of music/genre)
- 2. Discuss Whitney’s music (different genres & voice)
- A. Second subpoint
- 1. Discuss Whitney’s fame
- 2. Success in the music industry
- First subpoint: Career as a superstar
- IV. Third Main Point: Trials and Tribulations .
- First Subpoint: Personal Problems
- 1. Drug abuse
- 2. Relationships and its effect on her career
- A. Second subpoint: Triumphs in Music
- 1. Discuss the legacy of Whitney Houston. Commodification & Cultural Politics
- 2. Discuss the impact Whitney Houston made in music.
- First Subpoint: Personal Problems
- V. Conclusion: Talk about the effect fame had on Whitney Houston’s life. Discuss how drugs led to her death. Discuss the role Whitney Houston played in African American music.