The Story of Jazz pt.1



  • The difference between jazz and classical and jazz is on the upbeat. People

  •  used to look down on people that wanted to play jazz. Jazz used to be the sin music.

  • Began when African slaves were taken to the Caribbean. Cross cultural assimilation thrive New Orleans. Slaves would vent your pain and also celebrate their little time of freedom. 

  • It was the jawbone drums triangle banjos. An instrument of African descent the banjo is wild and easily transported. 

  • Jazz is a West African and European mix. 

  • Scott Joplin was a composer and pianist. Most known for ragtime. 

  •  Ragtime started in the Midwest and it spread.

  •  The skeleton rag was an American Quartet. 

  •  Freddie Keppard was a famous trumpet player that was once known as the King of the jazz scene.

  •  Joe Oliver was also known as the king. For a very long time he was one og the most known and well liked jazz players.

  •  Louis Armstrong then became the biggest and most successful jazz trumpeter and vocalist. 


  • Buddy Bolden was another ragtime artist known during the late 1800s and early 1900s. 

  • Armstrong. He’s understanding of the style of music, seeing all the different aspects of American music at the time, everything could be fun to his home. He’ll of course be the father of the soul. 

  • New Orleans provided the perfect environment for a new and fresh art form. 

  • The original Dixieland jazz band pretended to be the creators of jazz. They were white. They were able to record jazz unlike black people who indeed invented jazz. 

  • Jazz went up north and became a big part of the roaring 20s. 

  • Joe Oliver became one of the biggest names in Chicago. 

  • Joe Oliver was Louis Armstrong‘s idol and Joe Oliver invited him to perform with him.


  • Louis Armstrong‘s wife came with him and played a significant role.

  • Tenor sax introduced a new sound. 

  • Mary Lou Williams a leading lady of modern jazz. 

  • In the 30s the biggest promotion was a live band. 

  • Duke Ellington was the leader of of a jazz orchestra. 

  • Brent Goodman was the King of Swing. 

  • People would dance day and night and get disqualified if they fell asleep. 

  • Instruments played in jazz were piano, sax, trombone, and trumpet.

Part 2

  • Earliest form of jazz is Trad Jazz/ New Orellana jazz. 

  • Louis Armstrong would bring in swing jazz.

  • Bop/ be bop was a form of jazz created in the 1940s (fast jazz)

  • cool jazz is a style of modern jazz

  • jazz fusion is a mix between jazz and rock

  • free jazz was created in the late 1950s and attempted the breakdown jazz conventions 

  • Modal jazz is improve jazz


  • Monk was a pianist and composer. He had many contributions to standard jazz.

  • Charlie Parker was a saxophonist, band leader, and composer. Leading figure in bebop. Popular soloist. 

  • John Coaltrane used modes in free jazz. Worked in bebop

  • Louis Armstrong’s phrasing was the right way to sing American Jazz. 

  • Billie Holiday was an American jazz and swing singer. Also known as Lady Day

  • Lady Day’s voice had an intimacy. 

  • Listening to Louis Armstrong taught Billie Holiday how to transfer her voice into an instrument. 

  • She also likes Bessie smith. Bessie had a rough voice. Empress of the blues. First significant woman in jazz. 

  • The depression led people to do dance contests. People wanted a crack at fame. 

  • Ella Fitzgerald was an American jazz singer. Referred to as first lady of Jazz. 


  • Monk and Charlie Parker , Miles Davis, created the genre of bop. 

  • Before be bop it was swing. 

  • Be bop incorporated swing and incorporated more scientific lines and deeper knowledge of cords. It was a different sound. 

  • Dizzy Gillespie was a trumpeter, bandleader, composer, educator and singer

  • Bebop was new. At first people didn’t know how to dance to it. They would just stare. 

  • Monk brought this harmonic and rhythm displacement and you hear it with Charlie Parker. Charlie Parker had a new approach to playing music. 

  • Buddy Bolden created the marching band beat, “The Big Four”

  • Monk composed a lot of music. Monk was apart of a golden era of music. 

  • Bebop has a Queen. Sarah Vaughn. Definitive diva. 

  • Bebop became cool. 

  • Banjo got added to bebop. 

  • Jazz strayed far from its origins for cool jazz. 


  • Cooltrane threw in a new wave of playing. He used to take extended solos with Miles. 

  • He learned a lot from Miles. Learned more from him than anyone or anything else. He then started a band

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