The story of Jazz Notes- Sierra simmons

The story of Jazz

By: Sierra Simmons

  • slaves helped to plant the early seeds of jazz
  • Ragtime flourished in the midwest then moved east to major cities such as Detroit and New York
  • Lewis Armstromg was known as the father of trumpet of jazz music
  • Lewis Armstrong broadened the style of jazz music by adding his own elements
  • Armstrong was the greatest jazz trumpet soloist
  • Both African and European culture contributed to the making of jazz
  • Billy Baldwin was the “first” musician who became popular 
  • African Americans from the south moved north to Chicago for a better way of life
  • Lil Harvey was the first jazz music analyst
  • Soloist would begin to pop up all over 
  • Duke Ellington cam to New York in 1923 to perform with a band then grew in popularity to become a band leader and composer
  • Harlem became the center for music creation
  • Ellington’s music contributed to the renaissance that took place in Harlem
  • Dixieland (a white band) came to New York to play and because popular only to those who hadn’t heard black people’s jazz music they became the first to have a jazz record , five years later a black artist was able to come out with a record
  • jazz music was perfect for the social life of the roaring 20s
  • Harlem became the hub  for the jazz cotton club
  • jazz music soon became global , the new music spread world wide
  • jazz became globally known in places such as France, London, Australia because of Armstrong and Ellington
  • Kansas city became the hub for southern musicians to come and plays at joints where the social life and women were
  • Kansas city has a booming night life
  • Mary Marie became the first leading lady on the jazz scene 
  • religious people didn’t accept jazz music 
  • Jazz music was now used in Hollywood productions
  • Even though African american jazz musicians flourished and were popular they did were not equal to white jazz musicians
  • Lady holiday is associated with modern jazz, molded and inspired by Armstrong
  • In the 20s Bessie smith came on the scene with her perfectly timed delivery. she became the empress of the blues and was considered to be the first notable female jazz vocalist
  • During the great depression,  it became competitive. people took to dance competitions and the theatre
  • Ella Fitzgerald became the queen of scatt
  • Bebop incorporated swing, new way to incorporate the lines and deeper, required a more vaste knowledge of the instruments
  • everyone had their own expression in bebop
  • Sarah Vaungh became the diva of bebop and had a new lighter sound
  • The beat generation was more modern and implemented the bongos
  • Garry Mulligan and the jazz quartet came about in the 1930s
  • Miles Davis became the most influential in the 1950s, which led to a quartet that involved John Coltrain, a saxiphonist
  • Arenet Coleman contributed to the formation of freeform jazz a set of free jazz
  • Munk had a special way of playing and he wrote alot of music that was original and creative. it was also very rhythmic and swing but true to the blues

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