The Legacy of Jazz
By: TaNiyah Armstrong
Often Called…
“Instant swing” – Both upbeat and downbeat o Jazz are equally as important
“1st world music” – representative of the entire worlds culture
Deeply rooted in African (West African) culture
Caribbean migration
Slave trade
Jaw bones
Jazz musicians were often looked down
Influential Jazz Figures…
Louis Gottschalk:
“Louis Gottschalk recreated what he heard to popularize Jazz”
Ragtime was an extension of Gottschalk’s music
Buddy Bolden:
“1st Jazz Great” 1st authentic legend
Louis Armstrong: father of Jazz/ Jazz trumpet/ organized solo
Consolidated all aspects of Jazz and the music that existed even before he started playing
Understood all aspects of music and could play anything through his trumpet (highest level of instrumental versatility)
Father of organized solo
First ever Jazz Recording
Recorded became extremely important
Jelly Roll Martin:
Went East to perform in Chicago and Detroit
Sam Wooding:
took Jazz overseas to Berlin in 1924
Also traced to Barcelona and South America
“Lil” – One of the first female Jazz band members (pianist)
Mary Lou Williams – one of the first leading women in modern Jazz
Important Locations…
New Orleans:
provided lots of jobs through the entertainment and music industry
Provided people with a chance to start fresh
Though it was extremely popular in NO it was not restricted to just there
Creative people came there
Hub for talent and nightlife
Cotton Club
Ellington Music: became synonymous with Harlem and black culture there
Charlie Parker
Pete Johnson
Led to boogie woogie,, then to a craze in 1940’s
In the 30’s the radio became a bands most reliable tool in spreading their music