The Rise of The Jubilee Quartet

Jubilee means to have freedom from hardships. The Jubilee quartet started from black university choirs and what first set in the 1870s. It was first established to raise money for black colleges that were going through a rough time financially. The Fisk Jubilee quartet was the first to record independently.

Becoming the main attraction of African American community activities and social life, quartet groups were sponsored by companies.

All in all, the Jubilee quartet gained popularity through their unique blend of folk songs and spirituals that they performed. As they began touring and recording their fame was quickly ignited. Many people resonated with their music. Most importantly, they played a huge role in the development of gospel music.

3 Responses

  1. Good evening Brianna,

    Thank you for the information included within this post. I enjoyed how you began with background context to allow readers to understand the Jubilee Quartet’s startup.

  2. Hello Brianna,
    Your information on jubilee quartets was very good and informative. I really like the colors and fonts that you included on your post. These help make your post stand out and become more appealing. Thank you for acknowledging what jubilee quartets mean to African American culture.
    Cambel Cadien

  3. Hi, I enjoyed that the post was straight to point and also attributed the Fisk University Jubilee Choir as the first to have a presence in the Quartet scene for HBCUs. I also liked that you touched on how Jubilee Quartets have contributed to the development of other genres.

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