Student Critique | Soleil Vailes

After reading reflections on how one of my peers felt about SZA, I found some of her words powerful. She says “I really value how relatable music is; I think that’s a true measure of talent. It’s easy to sing about superficial things like wealth or fleeting relationships, but real talent shines through when an artist can be vulnerable and connect with their audience on a deeper level” -(JL). I definitely agree with what she states here. To me, when artists express lyrics with deeper meanings, they showcase the many levels in which they can touch others’ lives. I believe their message is more powerful when they express something of substance, and when they decide to follow a niche and share true, raw experiences.

I think it’s safe to say that Frank Ocean is an artist loved by many in our generation. Although he has not released music since his two singles in 2020, he continues to be a favorite artist to many of us. He began his career not fully immersed in the music scene just yet, but then joined a band known as “Odd Future” where he met Tyler, The Creator and took the steps to becoming a solo artist. Ocean states that, “With my art, it’s the one thing that I know will outlive me and outlive my feelings. It will outlive my depressive seasons.” ( It is unclear whether or not Ocean is planning to release any time soon, but this quote reigns true in his career since his hiatus. It is also resonant to many other artists, music lives on whether or not the musician did.

When going through artists that my classmates enjoyed, a situation with Summer Walker and a producer was mentioned which encouraged me to do some more research. I read of the complexities of the relationship/ parenting with one another and what stuck out to me was the fact that Walker just decided to put it all into music. To me, this is testament that music can also be a coping mechanism, and as an outlet. From the many genres we have learned about, and still have yet to discuss, emotions have always been an impactful, driving factor.

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