Student Critique

The post about Whitney Houston by Gianna Burns does a beautiful job us explaining each stage of Whitney’s life. I enjoy the fact that the author emphasized not only Whitney but the family and peers that influenced her life and career. The author acknowledges Whitney’s prior modeling career which I think shows that they did thorough research since that is something that is often overlooked. The author also does a good job of making note of some of Whitney Houston’s most prominent songs and her impact on the world. It is also nice that the author included information about Whitney’s acting career outside of music. One thing that the author could improve upon is their fluidity, some of the posts can come off a bit choppy. However, the author does a very good job of citing their sources and where they got their information. My favorite part of the article is the part about Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown’s marriage and family. Overall, this is a very good post and offers interesting information about Whitney Houston’s life. 

The post about Michael Jackson by Christina Flakes is efficent, but definently needs a little bit of work. I like how the author breifly touches upon important moments and aspects of Michael Jackson’s life. However, the author fails to lay out a good template for the life of Michael Jackson and what his life had to offer. I think that this post could be better if it were in paragraph format so that it could be more consise. Aditionally, the author fails to go into detail about the events leading up to Michael Jackson’s death and events of his later life. Though there are a lot of things that the author could work on, she did do a good job of highlighting more important facts and making this an interesting read. Overall with more effort and attention to detail and composition this has the potential to be a reallly good post.

The post about Etta James by Olivia Duever goes over the controvercy in 2009 over Etta James’s song “At Last”. The author does a good job of explaining Etta James’s feelings around Beyonce’s rendition of the song.. I also like that the author tied in her own thoughts and feelings about the incident as well. I think that this post could’ve been better if the author added more information about the importance of the song to help the audience understand the issues at hand. Aditionally, I think that the author should have included Beyonce’s respose to the controvercy so that the postgives off a less biased point of view. Overall, this is an interesting post and it makes me want to look into more about Etta James and her carrer. 

One Response

  1. Great critique! I love how this post highlights Whitney Houston’s multifaceted legacy and how she broke barriers not only as a singer but also as a model and actress. The focus on her personal relationships and career milestones paints a complete picture of her influence, reminding us that her music, much like her life, was shaped by deep connections and experiences. The inclusion of often-overlooked details, like her modeling career, demonstrates thorough research and gives readers a fuller appreciation of her journey. Whitney’s ability to dominate multiple industries truly reflects her unparalleled talent and cultural impact.

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