Spelman Glee Club Concert Review


The Spelman College Glee Club’s recent concert was a beautiful celebration of the college’s rich choral tradition and its deep connection to African American music. The performance, which was directed by Dr. Kevin Johnson, combined spiritual, classical, and modern compositions and demonstrated the ensemble’s emotional depth and accuracy. The poignant performance of traditional Negro and Folk Spirituals, struck a deep chord with the crowd. In addition to showcasing the students’ skill and passion, this concert underscored Spelman’s dedication to upholding and conserving its musical and spiritual traditions.

More Insight:
Before taking this class, I was always admired by the Glee Club when they would perform in Sister’s Chapel. Watching this performance was breathtaking because of unity within the choir. It was inspiring to see my Spelman Sisters and Morehouse Brothers performing with such talented people. 

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