Tabernacle Choir Hope World Tour (feat. Spelman College and Morehouse Glee Clubs)

On the evening of September 11, the renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir performed at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, as part of their Hope World tour. Joining them were the Spelman and Morehouse Glee Clubs, who performed their own melodies alongside the choir.

The Morehouse Glee Club were the first to sing, with their opening hymn choice being “Great and Glorious” by Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn. He is often regarded as the “Father of the Symphony”, and was a mentor to the famous composer Mozart and tutor to Beethoven. This piece was great at showcasing the choir’s lower register. Their next piece was “I Ain’t Got Weary Yet,”  arranged by Courtney Carey, a Morehouse alum with a Bachelor of Arts in Music. This choice of song is a great representation of call and response, as the lead sings a verse and the entire choir responds with another. The Spelman Glee Club began their set with “Wade in the Water,” a powerful African American jubilee song that dates back to the times of slavery within the U.S. to help enslaved Africans escape captivity. In contrast to the original arrangement of the song, this arrangement of the piece is sped up when the choir joins the lead singer, demonstrating the versatility in the vocal abilities. Their second choice, “Children Go Where I Send Thee,” ties in African aspects and instrumentals, vastly different from its usual association as a Christmas carol in the U.S. Their final selection was “A Choice to Change the World”, a song inspired by the tagline of the school written by Spelman Alumna, Sarah Benibo, and Dr. Kevin Johnson. The harmonization of the choir as well as the lead singers for this piece reflect the leadership and determination of Spelman women.

My overall experience with the concert was inspired. I have always been insecure about my deeper singing voice, but seeing them showcased throughout Spelman’s choir made me feel represented and emotional with the various ranges in tones. I will definitely be attending their future concerts after witnessing this performance.

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