Serenity Hill


 I am a graduating senior at Spelman College, majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Mental Health. Beyond academics, I am deeply involved in mentorship programs, community service, and volunteer work, with a strong passion for mental health advocacy. Three of my favorite activities include crisis counseling, mentoring, and leading my organization, Sisters In Sync, which I founded last year to promote mental health advocacy on campus. My overall goal is to become a clinical psychologist and cater to research based on mental health support barriers for African American Women,

Quick Pics:

More About Me:

-Currently reside in New Jersey

-4 brothers and 1 sister

-Studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain, Spring 2024

-I conduct research catered to Mental Health Disparities

-I am a Crisis Counselor

-I started a mental health organization on Spelman’s Campus, Sisters In Sync!


-I love to read

-I love hip-hop & R&B music

My Favorite ARTIST:

Brent Faiyaz

My Favorite SONG:


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