Ragtime Grooves

Where did Ragtime originate?

Ragtime originated in the state of Missouri in the 1900’s.  African American Songwriter and Piano player, Scott Joplin published “Maple Leaf Rag” in 1899, which quickly grew largely in popularity and pioneered the genre of Ragtime.

Did You Know?

The term “ragged” means syncopated, in reference to the rhythmic characteristics of Ragtime.

Ragtime is primarily a solo piano style and was the immediate precursor to jazz. Ragtime’s lively syncopations reflected the exciting pace of modern industrial life. This genre was enjoyed by both European and African Americans as it reflected forms of conservative to liberal attitudes.

Ragtime Compositions

1. Scott Joplin

2. Eubie Blake

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN89vHZ414s[/embedyt]

Ragtime Compositions have more of a comedic, light feel to them then it’s classical genre predecessors. I feel as though Ragtime provides an upbeat, energetic feel, causing the listener to want to groove. And all African Americans should be thankful for the snarky syncopation, and steady baselines of Ragtime, as it led to  the Jazz rhythms we all.




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