Parting Words

Dr. Johnson,

Walking into a class entitled, Surveying African American Music, I expected an extremely mundane music class with an extremely mundane professor. I expected a music class that would fail to appease my interests while satisfying my fine arts credit.

I sit here, ending the semester, with a sadness! Your 2:00 class was something I looked forward to daily. Every day was a day of discovery in your class. As expected, I’ve learned so much about my ancestral roots in music and the influences they have spread today.

But I have also learned a lot about music in the mind of an individual. Our in-depth class discussions, disagreements and discourse have allowed me to engage in thought-provoking topics centered around music and have really helped me develop a greater sense of critical thinking.

I cannot express enough how much I appreciate your sense of humor. It was a prime, motivating factor in me coming to class. It certainly kept me entertained and brought out an extremely participatory character within me, as I enjoyed engaging in your jokes.

I can certainly conclude that this course is one of my favorite courses I have ever gotten the chance to take. As a psychology major, I did not expect the music world to be so exciting and if it were not for your phenomenal semester of instruction, I would have been ignorant to how deep the subject of African American music can go.

Thank you very much, Dr. Johnson,


Kynedi G.

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