Kanye West – A Display of our Modern Addiction to Cognitive Dissonance
Meeting Kanye
- Introductory information
- Major life events
Kanye Entering the Political Realm
- Commentary on the shift of strict presence in media to a multifaceted social figure
- https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/04/kanye-west-political-views-history
The Shift of Power
- History and shift in political views
- https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/04/kanye-west-political-views-history
- Deterioration of music
Cognitive Dissonance of the Right
- How the right consistently justifies its claims and how Kanye west feeds into the promotion of their narratives
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/08/01/chicagos-school-funding-disaster-just-got-a-lot-worse/?utm_term=.1a23d5f5a7db
- Issues in Kanye’s hometown – how his actions counteract the positive change in his own community
Our Addiction to the Facade of American Benevolence and Virtuism
-Kanye’s opioid addiction
-national opioid crisis
– our addiction as a country to facades and the delusions this gives us