Oh, the sweet sound of disco. Disco originated in New York City in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s. Disco music is a mixture of four different backgrounds of music; which was African American, Hispanic, Latino-American, and Italian-Americans. Disco music allowed the LGBTQ community within these backgrounds to express themselves; especially gay men with African-American, Latino-American, and Italian American background.
The infamous Soul Train was popular around the disco period. The first episode of Soul Train aired October 2, 1971. Also, films such as: Saturday Night Fever and Thank God It’s Friday contributed to the mainstreams popularity of disco music. Some famous disco artists were: Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, Barry White, Slyvester, ect. A few famous songs are: The Hustle by Van McCoy, One More Time by Daft Punk, and Manhattan Love Song by King Errisson. When David Manusco opened the loft in New York City in the 1980’s, there was a rapid decline in disco music.
The purpose of disco was entertain people and allow a fun time on the dance floor.