The concert featuring the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Spelman College Glee Club, and Morehouse College Glee club was hosted on a beautiful night at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta Georgia on September 11th 2024. This is a part of the Mormon Tabernacle Choirs tour titled “Song of Hope”.This concert was conducted by Mack Wilberg, Ryan Murphy,Dr. David Morrow, and Dr. Kevin Johnson.
Opening - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
The concert begins with a song sang by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, ” Alleluia fanfare/Praise to The Lord, The Almighty. This serves as a very lively first song for the concert and it has great harmony. The choir sings this selection beautifully and also incorporates bells and other instruments into this opening performance. The choir then sings the song “With Joyful Voices Sing”. This song is extremely beautiful and contains smooth dynamics throughout which adds to the depth of the song. Then the hosts Jaylen Demos, Landry Townsen, Preston Darger, and Alex Meliculo introduce themselves and various connections to the choirs. The choir then proceeds to sing “How Excellent Thy Name and Alleluia”,”Alleluia”, and “Alleluia, From Psalm 150″. These pieces are meant to serve as an offering of the highest praise to the Lord. These songs use the simple lyrics and beautifully complex harmony as a way of praise and worship. The choir then gives representation to the many cultures represented throughout by singing ” Ah, El Novio No Quere Dinero!”,”Gamelan”, and “Cindy”. These performances contained very unique instruments, dynamics, and moments that represented each culture. I really enjoyed this part because I like to see how different places around the world are represented and their different sounds in music. The choir then sings “Music Everywhere”, “In The Garden”, and “To God be the Glory”. These songs use have varying lyrics and texture, but all serve as beautiful praises to God and His greatness.
Spelman and Morehouse Glee Clubs

The host the introduces Morehouse and Spelman’s Glee clubs and highlights their connection to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Their section begins with the Morehouse Glee Club singing “Great and Glorious”. This all mens choir does a beautiful job of using dynamics and maintaining harmony during this first song. They then proceed to sing “I Ain’t Got Weary Yet”. This song includes a soul chilling solo and the entire selection is extremely touching and attention grasping. The host then introduces the Spelman Glee Club and shares some of their history. This all female choir begins by singing “Wade in the Water”. This selection is extremely touching and has meaningful lyrics and dynamics. This song also has an amazing soloists with impressive vocal ranges and great stage presence. The choir then sings my favorite selection of the show,”Children Go Where I Send Thee” ,which is accompanied by great rhythm and moments that make this performance eye catching. This selection also incorporates solo sections which includes a rap verse that makes it extremely unique and reminds me of the style of the musical Hamilton. The Spelman Choir then sings the song “A Choice to Change The World”. This is an absolutely beautiful song that’s lyrics represent Spelman’s meaning and mission beautifully.
Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Guest
The mormon Tabernacle Choir along with surprise guest, Kristin Chenoweth, then sing “Angels Among Us” to honor people that were lost to tragedy, unsung heroes, and first responders. This song has very emotional lyrics that are very touching and definitely made me feel emotional. They then sing the commonly known song “How Great Thou Art”. This was a very beautiful performance that has a beautiful melody. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Spelman Glee Club, and Morehouse Glee Club then debuted a new song for the very first time entitled ” Songs For The People”. This song includes a four hand piano part which I find extremely complex and interesting. This song is extremely beautiful and the mixture of all of the choirs and musicians is extremely heartwarming. This song has a beautiful melody that invokes many emotions. The choirs then sing ” Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing”. This is a commonly known song that has beautiful lyrics and tone that was excited wonderfully by these choirs. The host introduce the history and importance of the next song and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings a hopeful song, “Battle Hymn of The Republic”. This song has a unique rhythm that makes me think of a war scene. The choir does a beautiful job displaying their vocal range with this song. The choir then sings “Georgia on My Mind” which is a well known song with notable lyrics. This serves as a a cute and unique part of ending to their Atlanta Georgia Concert. Lastly the Choir sings the parting song “Til We Meet Again”. This was a beautiful ending song that brings in the Mormon influence for one last time.
Overall, this was an extremely beautiful performance. I personally enjoyed how many cultures were showcased throughout this concert and how the audience was able to enjoy various forms of music and dynamics. All three choirs showed extreme dedication and talent in this concert. It was amazing to see so many beautiful voices used to give glory to God.