Miss Marian Anderson: A Review of "Life Every Voice And Sing

The article about Marian Anderson, “Lift Every Voice: Marian Anderson, Florence B. Price And The Sound of Black Sisterhood” by Alisha Lola Jones, gave me a personal outlook on the life of Miss Marian Anderson. She was such an amazing woman. According to the article, Anderson was a pioneer for black females and black female musicians in her time and even now. Anderson showed a great deal of faith and courage throughout her journey, Jones exemplifies this by listing her many accomplishments from her time.
A Rap Influenced by Marian Anderson
We never thought we’d see the day,
where black women would have a say
we were working behind the scenes
But in public we went unseen
our voices were never heard
But then it was Marian’s turn
Using activism, talent and style
Women like Marian went the extra mile
Fighting segregation, patriarchy, and discrimination
Other women followed her determination