Mamie Smith: The First Lady of Blues

Mamie Smith was born on May 26, 1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Also known as the “Lady of Blues”, Smith is well known throughout the music industry for becoming a trailblazer for African American artists. 

BACKGROUND: The “Lady of Blues” made her mark as the first Black woman to record a  blues record. This achievement forever changed the music industry and cemented her legacy as a trailblazer for future generations of Black artists. Mamie Smith grew up in a musical household in New York City where she was introduced to classical music and musical theater. She spent her youth training in this genre of music which eventually allowed her to find her voice in jazz and blues. 

LADY OF BLUES: In 1920, Smith recorded her hit record, “Crazy Blues”. This record changed her life and legacy in the Black music industry. Not only because it sold hundreds and thousands of copies, but also because it went down in history for being the FIRST blues record to have a Black women singing on it. This is important because during this time, the recording industry was overwhelmingly dominated by white artists and executives. 

IMPACT: Mamie Smith passed away on September 16, 1946 in Staten Island, New York. Smith’s  contribution to Blues impacted the music industry forever and has since then, opened doors for African American artists. Specifically, for Black women. Her legacy as the “Lady of Blues” will forever be carried on for many generations to come 

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