Kynedi Gray’s IME

Introduction. My name is Kynedi Gray and I am from Atlanta, Georgia by way of Washington, D.C. I’m a second-year Psychology major with a concentration in pre-medicine and I absolutely love to travel!

As for mindset, I am completely immersed in music every day. You can always find me with headphones plugged into my ears or browsing through libraries, aiming to expand my content. I’m excited to learn more about the music that is tied to my skin. I understand how great the impact of African American music is in the world, but I still wish to know more about it.

I’ve experience in playing music and being apart of the live music scene.  I enjoy sharing music with others too. A lot of my love for music spawns from my dad’s heavy involvement with playing in various bands and music groups.

I look forward to what this class will offer me in this upcoming semester!

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