Kennedy Weathers’ IME


Hi! My name is Kennedy Weathers. I am a junior International Studies and Spanish double major from Lexington, Kentucky.


My mindset coming into this spring semester is centered around excelling academically and doing better than I did last semester.  For most of my life, I had been exposed to latin music and then the occasional hip hop and family reunion classics during holidays and family reunions. It wasn’t until high school and college that my exposure to African American music was widened. In choosing this class, I thought it would be a great class to have alongside my major classes to learn something different and interesting. I’m really excited to learn more about the history of African American music.


Starting from a very early age I was exposed to classical music through ballet. That exposure expanded once I began playing the violin in the second grade. Once I got to middle school, the music we began playing included some jazz and soul.  Though I liked the music and I liked playing, once high school ended, I stopped. I feel this class might inspire to play again.

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