jubilee quartets




Fisk Jubilee Quartet


The Fisk Jubilee Quartet

The Fisk Jubilee Quartet formed in 1871. They performed songs including "When I Was Sinkin' Down" and r"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot".
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The Mills Brothers


The Mills Brothers

The Mills Brothers formed in 1928, and had songs including "How’m I Doin’, Hey, Hey" and "I Heard".
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Golden Gate Quartet


Golden Gate quartet

The Golden Gate Quartet formed in 1931, having many popular songs including "Gospel Train" and "Shadrack".
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Norfolk Jubilee Quartet


Norfolk jubilee quartet

The Norfolk Jubilee Quartet formed in 1919, with the official name Norfolk Jubilee & Jazz Quartet. They had songs including "No Hiding Place" and "Didn't It Rain".
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The Five Blind Boys


The Five Blind Boys

The Five Blind Boys formed in 1939 in Mississippi, with the more formal name The Five Blind Boys of Mississippi. They had songs including "Our Father" and "Coming Home".
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The Dixie Hummingbirds


The Dixie Hummingbirds

The Dixie Hummingbirds formed in 1928, having songs including "Loves Me Like a Rock" and "One Day".
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