Jubilee Quartet Review

Published by Jewel Lewis

The heightened period for jubilee quartets took place between 1916-1929. Jubilee Quartets were usually described as African-American Musical groups that were religious. The name of Jubilee Quartets was acquired from The Fisk Jubilee Singers, created by George L. White. The genre jubilee usually contained a fast-rhythmic pace, and it also tells a story.

After jubilee quartets period of traditional religious acapella and 4 harmonies, it went through a transitional period from 1930-1945. During this time the Harlem Renaissance was roaring, and the great migration also accrued. The genre was slowly shifting towards gospel repertoire and performance style, and there was a 5th voice added, which increased bass solo voices and allowed there to be a double lead.

Once the transitional period was over the Gospel Period had fully taken over from 1946-1969. Jubilee Quartet music had changed dramatically because there was an increasing rise in Gospel music during that time, and instruments were now introduced to the genre. Some instruments including the electric guitar, acoustic guitar, drums, and electric bass. There were also your occasional improvised testimonies added, and even more, voices added.

Even though this genre had changed so much, there were still the original Jubilee groups that put the genre on the map such as, The Golden Gate Quartet, Norfolk Jubilee Quartet, Dinwiddie Quartet, and the Fisk University Jubilee Quartet. All of these groups had their own approach on the genre, but they were able to still incorporate the traditional elements of the genre as well.  

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