Jubilee Quartet
The Celebration The evolution of Jubilee Quartets took place in three stages. The first was the “jubilee period,” which lasted from 1880 until 1929. The second phase, referred to as the transitional period, lasted from 1930 to 1945. The gospel era, which lasted from 1946 to 1969, was the final era. The quartet’s temporal span was 1880–1929. Barbershop Community were the many categories of Jubilee Quartets. These quartets usually start with a soloist introducing a hook, which is then completed by the other members of the group joining in and building upon it. Bass, drums, and subsequently guitar were often included in Jubilee Quartets.
Jubilee was observed from 1880 to 1929. Professionally attired in identical tuxedos and suits were quartets. The following jubilee period, which stretched from 1930 to 1945, was referred to as the transitional period. Quartets performed secular folk melodies, patriotic songs, folk spiritual songs, and commercial/slow tunes throughout this transitional period. During this time, quartets saw another change as the group grew to include five members. The following jubilee quartet era, spanning from 1946 to 1969, was known as the gospel period. Gospel music replaced quartet music as a result of its increasing appeal. Instruments like the electric bass, drums, acoustic guitar, and electric guitar are used in this quartet style. In addition, there was an increase in vibrato, solos, testimonials, and the number of voices.