Jazz Notes

By: Jala Stubbs

The Story of Jazz 

Born in New Orleans (Traditional (Trad) Jazz

4 Major Beats

Buddy Bolden (trumpet player)

Led the First Jazz Band

Was worried about Scott Joplin & other Ragtime Artists 

Louisiana State Insane Asylum  

Jelly Roll Morton (also ragtime)

Louis Armstrong 

Potato Head Blues (May 10, 1927)

Trumpet, Clarinet, Banjo 

October 8 Story of Jazz Notes 

Jazz is on the upbeat (difference between Jazz & Classical) 

Representative of the World, a world music 

Origins in West Africa, blends many cultures to make a new music 

Slave trade from the Caribbean, vent frustration & pain, congo square (seeds of jazz) 

important instrument was the gourd, draw bone, banjo  

richard hoffman 

Ragtime was an extension of ____ music 

freddy keeper joe oliver & louis armstrong (trumpeters) 

Louis Armstrong 

consolidated all of the former aspects of jazz 

Father of the organized solo 

Turn of the Centry NOLA 

melting pot of cultures for music 

offered plenty of work for musicians

Freddy Kepler 


Morton Kane East 

Chicago & Detroit 

DixieLand Jazz Band 

only appealed to those who hadn’t heard traf jazz 

Records were important for the spread of recorded jazz 

Joe King Oliver 

Chicago 1919 

Southern black migrants were a receptive audience for Jazz 

Jazz made the 1920’s roar. 

Lili Harvey – pianist for Joe Oliver’s band

Jazz became synonymous with the cultural renaissance happening in Harlem 

jazz = promiscuity, intoxicating, and animal like fury

Duke Ellington (pianist) brought class to Jazz. 

his range expressed American life 

1930 – Jazz was worldwide (Europe, South America, & Asia)

William Basie – Kansas City (heart of southwest band music) 

Bennie Moten 

Basie played all types of blues. (Basie Band)

swing, slow, fast, sad, funny blues 

Pete johnson (pianist) 

Mary Lou Williams – piano 

charlie parker – saxophone 

Bands most promotional tool was live radio. 

Benny Goodman – King of Swing (white counterparts were topics of media interest)

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