Jazz and Double bass

Jazz music is another genre from the 1950s, which originated from both ragtime and blues.

There are various forms of jazz music as well, such as swing, bebop, modal, jazz funk, cool jazz, and more.

One of the most common instruments seen in all jazz bands is the double bass, which is the largest instrument in the string family.

Within most jazz bands, of course, the double bass serves as the baseline.

Since the double bass is one of the most quiet in a jazz band, the bassists of the 20s and 30s used ‘slap style’. This allowed for the notes to be played while the sting slapped the finger board, which ultimately produced a much more noticeable sound. 

Another aspect that separate jazz double bass vs orchestral double bass is how sound is produced. Never EVER will you see a jazz bassist using a bow on its strings. It will always be pizzicato


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