Negro Spirituals

Negro Spirituals was a religious category of music created by African Americans that were slaves. Negro Spirituals had a somber tone, and often talked about going to heaven. This is because it was a way for the slaves to feel comforted knowing that their pain was temporary, and they would be rewarded in the after life. Negro spirituals used the call and response technique which made the music more engaging. The patina juba was another technique that involved hitting your hands on different parts of your body to make unique sounds. Negro Spirituals became commodified, however black people did not receive any money from them. 

Famous Artists 

Paul Roberson 

Fisk Jubilee Singers 

 Marian Anderson

Charles Albert Tindley



Ring Shout 

Pattin Juba 

Musical Impact 

Negro spirituals impacted a majority of music today. It influenced Jubilee Quartets, and folk music directly. It is still seen in multiple genres with its call and response technique.

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