Barry White

Early Life

Barry White was in Galveston, TX. As a young child he sang gospel songs with his mother and taught himself to play piano. At age 11, he moved to South Central Los Angeles and played piano on Jesse Belvin’s “Goodnight My Love.” He made his first real recording when he was 16 with a group called Upfronts. Later he worked for various independent labels around Los Angeles and ended up landing an A&R position with Bob Keane. When the lebel went out of business, White began doing independent production

Musical Career

He recorded his first album in 1973 called I’ve got so much love to give. He went on to release many more albums. His album Staying Power in 1999 earned him two Grammys.


White was hospitalized for kidney failure in September of 2002. He was undergoing dialysis treatment but unfortunately he died July 4, 2003 at a West Hollywood hospital


– Samantha Roach


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