The Era's of the Jubilee Quartet
Jubilee Period
The beginning of 1880 started trend of talented quartets prominently at Historically Black Colleges & Universities. Noted to popularizing the genre these groups would perform a cappella spirituals, in concert, school events, and other musical events. The sound was purely voice, instruments were rarely found and the voices of the first and second tenor, baritone and bass. The jubilee quartet soon spread to other communities including some barbershops and churches. Some often focused on different things than the university jubilees sometimes being less lyrical and even focusing on different aspects like pitch. Unfortunately the talents of the universities like Fisk University, the Golden Gate Jubilee, and Mills Brothers were daunted by minstrel shows where white people in Black face would imitate the greatness of Black singers.
Transitional Period
Like mostly musical legacies, the Jubilee Quartet was no stranger to transition. Starting during the 1930s the next role the genre took on was a huge transition when it started to add instruments. Not only did it expand musically but with members. Most jubilee groups went for four to five members. This additional voice added a sound to the group we know now. The audience the groups performed for took on a new face as well. While the still performed for concerts, the groups became more competitive. Mostly for trophies and commendation from the world.
Gospel Period
The late 60s introduced an elevated version of jubilee with embedded genre of gospel. This period added a choir to the quartet as a backing to their vocals. This new period also introduced the use of bodies to make music. This also brought on a need for soloists. Jubilee’s also became performative. More loud vocals and used clapping and more movement of the groups.