State Farm Arena Concert Review
Morehouse Glee Club Portion
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the “Tabernacle Choir Hope World Tour: State Farm Arena w/ Morehouse and Spelman Glee Clubs, Atlanta, GA. I feel that both Morehouse and Spelman Glee Clubs have maintained a prestigious ranking and perfomed globally at some of the most world-renowned musical events.

In the first portion of the concert where the Morehouse Glee Club began to sing, I immediately noticed the deep, rich, voices of the Glee Club. The men of Morehouse did a wonderful job at singing as one and maintaining uniformity amongst them. As my eyes grazed across the entire Morehouse Glee Club, you could see that each young man truly puts in true effort to create one, beautiful unanimous sound. The Negro spiritual “I Ain’t Got Weary Yet”, sung by Morehouse Glee Club, is a beautiful portrayal of the sadness and hope that existed for our ancestors.
Spelman Glee Club Portion
As I watched my Spelman sisters perform “Wade in the Water” it was truly beautiful. The soloist who performed entered into the song with such an angelic voice. Once the rest of the glee club, joined in, there was so much depth added to the spiritual. I also really enjoyed Doc’s piano playing. It was very impressive and sincere. Spelman’s Glee Club never ceases to amaze me. There was so much emotion and feeling incorporated in this rendition of “Wade in the Water”. You can tell that there is so much time and coordination that goes into making the Glee Club sound. I also loved the transition between “Wade in the Water” and “Children Go Where I Send Thee”. This was such a smooth transition, and the upbeat tempo of the song, along with the synchronized dance movements of the Glee club was incredibly entertaining and well put together.