3 Post 1 Article Critique

Bruno Mars

This is a biography about “The King of Pop”, Bruno Mars. The post went in detail about his back story and where he came from with great detail. It includes his begging all the way to the awards that Bruno Mars has won. The post does support that Bruno Mars is in fact the King of Pop. 



Lil Wayne- Most Infuencial Rapper

This post is very creative and well structured. It include information and videos about his early career, middle career, and current career. Later on in the post it shares who Lil Wayne has influence over the years during his career. He has influenced “Travis Scott, Lil Baby, and Drake”. The conclusion of this post does wrap up and backs their claim up. Going It the point that he specifically influenced “autotune, appearance, genres, and mixtapes”.


Obama Snubbed Etta James

In my opinion Etta James is one of the greatest blues artist of all time but, let’s see what this post has to say. This post claims that while she did approve Obama to use her song she was not happy with the way Beyonce sang her song. The post was great but out of proportion because of the word they used in the title which is the word “snubbed”.


Women In Jazz

This article focuses on Nina Simone, Mary Lou Williams, and Billie Holliday. The article backs up how these women of jazz were composers, activist, and innovators. This article includes videos of their work that also backs up why these three women are the women of jazz. The way that the article goes in depth about the legacy that they left could have been more but, dos still get the point across.


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