Developmental Stages of the Jubilee Quartet


The Jubilee Quartet, a group of 4-6 singers, typically men spanned for almost a century. The Jubilee Quartet uses 4 vocal parts, the bass, baritone (lead), 2nd tenor, and 1st tenor. The Jubilee Quartet had 3 different periods that produced a different type of music. Each time the sound changed, the Jubilee Quartet propelled Black music forward. The 3 time periods of the Jubilee Quartet are known as the 1: Jubilee period lasting from 1880-1929, 2: The transitional period from 1930-1945, 3: The gospel period starting in 1946 to the end of the Jubilee Quartet. Each period provides a unique style of music and as it develops into the next period, it takes important elements from the previous period with it. 

Jubilee Period

The Jubilee period of Jubilee Quartets was the earliest form of music created by these quartets. In this period, the music was slower and did not have instruments. It is important to note that Jubilee choirs were created at this time by Black colleges to raise money for their struggling schools. The powerful reasoning behind its creation became apparent in the music it created. An example of a Jubilee period song is Swing Low Sweet Chariot by the Fisk Jubilee Quartet in 1909.

The next developmental period in the Jubilee quartets was the transitional period. In comparison to the Jubilee period, the transitional music was faster, more upbeat, and incorporated instruments. The music in this period was secular, often played on the radio, during commercials, and in TV shows; The transitional period of Jubilee quartets was made for/ following the Industrial Revolution. An example song from the transitional period is When the Saints Go Marching In by the Golden Gate Quartet. 

The final period of the Jubilee Quartet is the gospel period. This period would eventually turn into simply gospel music. Jubilee gospel music used a lot of clapping and instruments. The music was sacred and sounded much more soulful than in the previous two periods. Without this stepping stone, gospel music today would not be where it is for the Black community. A jubilee gospel period song is God’s Been Good To Me by the Pilgrim Jubilees.


Stemming from folk music and negro spirituals, and growing into current-day gospel music, the Jubilee Quartet has earned its rightful place in  Black musical history. The mix of secular and sacred music between periods and different styles amongst periods has not been replicated since. While my favorite music of the 3 comes from the transitional period, it is without a doubt that all 3 of these periods have been deemed meaningful to the musical world.

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