Colour of Music: Black Classical Musicians Festival Review

On Thursday March 29th, 2018 at 7pm in Sister’s Chapel at Spelman College. The Colour of Music Festival began in 2013 in Charleston, South Carolina. This festival brings black artists from across the world to the United States to create awareness of the contributions of black composers such as Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges. The features artist at the Spelman Concert is Anyango Yarbo-Davenport. Yarbo-Davenport is an accomplished violinist and conductor from Munich, Germany. She currently serves as a professor at Juan N. Corpas University in Colombia. Performing alongside her were Laura English-Robinson, a soprano singer; Joyce F. Robinson, pianist; Sakura Myers, pianist; and Portia S. Hawkins who is also a pianist.

Some of the classical pieces that were performed are “Chaconne from Partita No. 2” by Johann Sebastian Bac, “Mother and Child” by William Grant Still and “Oblivion” by Astor Piazzolla. Generally, when I attend orchestra concerts I look for flaws first. However, I could not find one in Yarbo-Daventports performance. She played confidently, and her music was very smooth and sound.  During the concert, she also allowed for a Spelman Student to play alongside her.  The other musicians and singers also performed soundly. I couldn’t tell if there was a mistake being made. Also, their sounds were very powerful and commanding.

Overall. It was an amazing concert. I was very excited for this concert because I had never seen or heard a black violinist before until now. The sound of her music was beautiful. I was glad to have been exposed to more black classical artists because they truly are excluded from the narrative.

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