Summer of Soul to Bebop 

As the child runs around outside 

She hears Nina Simon and B.B King 

She is not quite old enough to tell you the name of the music 

But she is surely listening 

She dances around outside with people to  BOOMs but she is too young to have rhythm 

But she knows the music all too well it’s a part of her family’s routine

Her mother plays this music everywhere she goes, Now she gets to see it in person 

This is music she watched evolve unlike the child this music she had to get to know 

See music to me is just a reflection of the time 

Showing how much the world has changed, it even shows how differently we live our lives 

See one day the child got older 

Now around her own home, she hears 

Something that the world knows as BEBOP 

She can tell you the music’s name and where it originated 

I promise she loves this music, she couldn’t possibly hate it 

She dances around her body moves right to the beat 

She listens to it all the time, So her body automatically knows how to move her feet

Now the mother wonders what the daughter is listening too 

This is music she does not know, so on her, it had to grow

See music to me is just a reflection of the time 

Showing how much the world has changed, it even shows how differently we live our lives 

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